The legendary B2B and B2C
While I was working in a corporation I had to deal with two types of clients: business clients (B2B) and end clients (B2C). On a monthly basis we had to prepare communication material both for the business clients and for the end consumers. I have noticed that the type of communication for B2B clients was stiffer and much more direct.
We were highlighting the product’s advantages and the benefits of a collaboration with the company. On the other hand, communication with the B2C clients had a more promotional vibe, a type of “extra..extra…”.
In a way, this bridge between us and them was bothering me. No matter how much we tried, the communication did not bring us closer and the promotions weren’t the magnet we though would attract more clients.
If until now the number 2 represented just a dialogue between B2B and B2C I think the time has come for us to shed it and change it with a symbol.
The symbol of a relationship!
In order to survive in the digital era brands must start adopting a new way of communicating. Besides the fact that they need to rethink their communication in a more responsive style, they now have to give up dialogue and change their communicating play offering a bigger experience with the brand. A personal, interactive, honest and accessible experience.
This way, brands must give up that 2 from B2B and B2C and change it with an &: B&B şi B&C.
What does the “&“ in B&B and B&C mean?
The & represents the experience and the existent relationship between B&B and B&C.
The triggering factor of this change.
The factor that has managed to make this change is Social Media. Too many times we’ve heard about how important is communication on Social Media, why we should communicate on Social Media and how we should communicate on Social Media, but we haven’t; heard enough direct experiences (both from companies and users) with brands that communicate on Social Media.
Now, the consumer can follow and monitor a brand’s behavior at the same speed a brand can follow the behavior of a consumer. Amazing! Do you realize how much power can a consumer have? And then, why not have a great relationship with him?
I believe that before Social Media’s consuming period we will be able to filter the brands that have adopted B&B and B&C communication and the brands that remained with the old style: B2B şi B2C.
Where does this theory come from? Interbrand are the first ones I’ve heard this theory from in a presentation called Branding in the Post-digital World and I completely agree with them.
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