Let’s talk about feedback. How important is it to you?
How much do you focus on HOW to give feedback?
Here are a few ideas on how to give feedback:
Please don’t do it when you’re very keen on the subject or theme.
Give feedback when you’re in a good mood.
Take a 10-15 min break before a feedback session and do some breathing exercises. Meditate.
Don’t use feedback as a destructive weapon.
Take care of what you leave behind.
Don’t start with the principle that you’re right.
Be open to the outside perspectives and arguments.
Gather multiple examples of situations that can highlight a representative pattern.
Build a neuter argumentation and organize the main ideas that you want to transmit.
Discuss a physic form, face to face or videocall. You need to see the person’s reaction and understand how they perceive your message.
Test, learn, and adapt yourself from a person to another.
How would you want to receive feedback?
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